This week, Olivia:
- Woke up with a stuffy nose on Tuesday. And started drooling a bit for the first time since she was 3 or 4 months old! Sure enough, on Wednesday, we felt her top left first molar coming in (her bottom left made its appearance last week)!! She now has eight teeth. We’ve also noticed that when she’s teething, it takes a bit longer for her to fall asleep at nap time. This week, she kept babbling and repeating “I love you” in there. It was so sweet, I just wanted to go and climb into her crib and snuggle with her. Is that weird?
- Is also saying “I love you, Coco” (she is clearly still very into her Sloane Tanen
Coco books)
- Plays the “radio” on her Fisher Price Learning Home
incessantly and loves to dance to the music! It’s a good thing those songs are catchy and not annoying (yet).
- Says “manana” (banana) and especially loves “peeling” the banana from her Li’l Shopper Playset. Have I mentioned how much I love that thing? She’s now able to hand over each of the items from the shopping bag when asked.
- Started calling most dolls and stuffed animals “waca”, not just her favorite doll, Lola
- Is using her hand as a pretend phone and always says “hello, dada” when I hand her the house phone
- Is all about lying down on the floor and babbling and rolling around, especially when she’s sleepy. She also likes to pretend she’s going to do a tumble, and does these cute little squats while saying “down, up, down up”
- Got her first pair of Toms
! They’re so cute, but more importantly, they fit her (not so) little feet really well. It’s usually difficult for us to find shoes that fit her because her feet are wide and chunky up at the top. These are stylish and comfy!
- Tried a couple of new foods: tuna salad, which I made with plain yogurt instead of mayo. I picked that tip up at 100 Days of Real Food and it tasted great, although O wasn’t too fond of it. She also ate kale, folded up in a cheese omelette cooked in coconut oil (she devoured that one!). Oh, and we ordered from the Kids Menu for the first time when we went out to eat! Granted, it was just plain pasta shells and a side of marinara, but it was still a momentous occasion!