This week, Olivia:
- Had a breakfast play date with her friend Blaire. It was so wonderful to see them interact. O even handed B her toys to play with!
- Experimented with dipping her fingers in a cup and then “drinking” the contents from her hand.
- Went to daycare at the gym and loved it!! Even though this was her first time, she didn’t cry one bit when I left. She headed straight for the toys and didn’t look back. I should have done this sooner!
- Likes collecting leaves in a plastic baggie. I actually came across this idea in one of my mommy groups. I loved it because it allows Olivia to explore nature in a new way. She examines leaves and twigs and places them in the bag. When the bag is full, she’ll dump the contents and start all over again!
- Started coloring and drawing! I got her the Crayola Color Wonder Travel Tote
(I love how the markers only activate on the special paper – no mess!) and B. Toulouse Laptrec
magnetic sketchboard. Have I mentioned how much I love B toys? This one is great because the magnetic pen is attached to the board so it can’t be lost. Plus, it has a cushion on the back so O can position it on her lap to draw! The Color Wonder markers are cool, too, but I think they’ll be better when she’s older.
- Went to the city to visit our friend and see her new place! O loved running around and exploring, and even brought her doggy (the one named “Bear”) to lunch.
- Responded to, “What’s daddy doing?” by saying “shirt on” when hubby was getting dressed for work.
- Is getting better at feeding herself with a spoon.
- Pretended her ball was a phone, put it to her ear and said “hello”
- Jumps.
- Sings songs and makes up her own!