Olivia had so much fun unwrapping and playing with her Christmas presents this week! Last year, she was crawling around the tree on Christmas morning, oblivious to the large stack of presents under it. This year, she was so excited when we brought her downstairs! The first thing she went for was her Radio Flyer wagon. She climbed in and hubby took her for a ride around the living room. I’ve been obsessed with it since I saw it at the park this summer – seats two (with seatbelts), has cup holders for the little ones AND the grownups, comes with a canopy and the seats fold down so if you’re toting one toddler, the other seat becomes a little activity area for coloring or holding snacks. We’ve since taken O for walks in it, and she loves it for about 10 minutes – then she wants to get out and push it! The only downside to this wagon is that its wheels are made of plastic, not rubber. So, if you’re looking to go on long walks on rougher terrain, they may not hold up.

Between all of her new Hanukkah and Christmas toys and the toys we brought out of storage when we moved in, it feels like a toy explosion around here. I’ll definitely be reviewing the new ones over the coming weeks to let you know how she likes them!
This week, Olivia:
- Has thrown a few mini tantrums complete with emphatic spitting
- Wants to walk down/up stairs
- Recognizes different colors. Points to the appropriate colors when asked, and says “blue car”, “green car” (not always the correct color, but she’s trying!)
- Gives her stuffed animals food or drinks
- Plays in her KidKraft vintage kitchen
– fills a cup with water and makes a “sshhh” sound for running water, washes dishes and hands, puts dishes in microwave
- Is chewing on her hands and sticking her tongue out a lot. Her upper left canine is getting ready to make an appearance!
- Says “Hi Olivia” to her reflection in the Christmas tree ornaments
- Makes pretend phone calls and says “How are you, chicken?” (see below – she’s probably calling the decorative metal chicken we have on the patio).
- Still takes two naps a day (sometimes), at 9:30am and 2:30pm but is really close to transitioning to one.