This week, Olivia:
- Sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star in its entirety (see video below)!
- Speaking of stars, she asked hubby to draw a star on her doodle pad. She kept saying “other star” until there were four. Then, she said “fifth star” and we looked at each other, jaws dropped. We asked her to count the stars, and she said “one, two, three, four, FIVE STARS!!” Okay, I know I’m her mom and probably have an inflated perception of her abilities – but this is just nuts for 18 months, right?! How did she know to ask for a fifth star?!
- Is down to one two-hour nap a day, at around noon
- Wants to eat her Cheerios and milk separately, and gets upset when there’s even one Cheerio floating around on the spoon with milk
- Said “Happy New Year” to the UPS guy as he was leaving – totally unprompted!! This was last week but I forgot to mention it. It was so cute!
- Said “Have a good day, daddy” as he was leaving for work
- Said “Daddy got chair, mommy got chair, Livy own chair!” and insists on sitting on a big chair at dinnertime
- Loves playing with her city skyline block set