This week, Olivia:
- Was so excited to be back at school after our vacation. As soon as she saw her favorite teacher, she started running around the classroom shouting gleefully 🙂
- Responded, “Tuesday” when we asked her what day it was. It was Tuesday. I know was a coincidence, BUT it’s still pretty cool since they’ve been learning the days of the week at school.
- Was in a great mood this week, definitely less fussy and clingy.
- Likes to narrate what we’re doing. The best is “Mommy’s makin’ coffee over there”
- Likes to read On the Night You Were Born
, which was the first book I read to her when we came home from the hospital after she was born. It still brings tears to my eyes!
- Says, “Who’s that little guy?” and points to the characters in her books.
- Knows all of her friends’ names at school.
- Had a play date with her friend Blaire. It’s so cool watching them interact now that their personalities are starting to develop. My favorite moment happened when O sat down on this Ybike
and Blaire started pushing her around the room.