Olivia turned 7 months this week! Her silliness and joi de vivre continue to amuse and amaze us.
Bedtime: 7pm sharp
Naps: 2x 45 min (we’re working on it!)
Favorite playthings: Chica, LeapFrog Learn & Groove Musical Table, clear plastic containers such as this one (which is perfect for carrying snacks)
Foods she’s tried so far: Squash, Sweet potatoes (pureed and baked as fries with coconut oil), Green beans, Pear, Mango, Carrots, Apples, Prunes, Avocados, Bananas, Peas
Favorite books: Twinkle Toes (she goes nuts over the skirt on the front cover and the other textures inside the book), anything Touch and Feel
This week, Olivia:
- Made up a new dance – she purses her lips while nodding her head from side to side. She loves dancing in general, and dances when she hears music, the word “dance” or is generally excited.
- Is trying to say “dada”. At least her Dada thinks so 🙂
- Is totally comfortable sitting upright, and lifting herself and lowering down to an upright sitting position.
- Loves being on the move and doesn’t enjoy being held unless she’s really tired and cranky.
- Played on grass for the first time! We took her to the park, and sat her down in the grass. At first, she gave hubby and I an inquisitive look, like “Is this okay?” as she started touching the grass. Once she saw that it was all good, she started making that growling/coughing noise she makes when she’s excited about something new. That was followed by her shriek, which meant this was pretty much the best thing ever. She had so much fun crawling around and feeling the blades of grass in between her fingers. It’s so amazing to watch her experience something new for the first time.
- Is really enjoying books – being read to, feeling the textures on the pages, flipping pages back and forth, playing with pop-ups and lifting flaps.
- Tried mango (liked) and peas (not so much).