Headband available at Ryan & Wren
This week, Olivia:
- Is incorporating more walking/steps into her usual mode of transportation. She cruises from one piece of furniture or toy to another, sort of like a little monkey jumping from branch to branch. When she really wants something, she’ll get on all fours and crawl faster than I can run. Now, in between cruising, she takes a couple of solo steps. Or she crawls to an object, grabs it, stands up with it and takes a step, and then falls down into a sitting position.
- Had a couple of days when she screamed (so unlike her) when we put her down for naps, but then quieted down as soon as she got comfortable. Other than these occasional episodes, and the fussiness a couple of weeks ago, we haven’t experienced much Wonder Week 46 storminess, thankfully. This is supposed to be one of the longest fussy phases, and since Wonder Week 19 hit us so hard – like 4 night-time wake-ups for weeks!! – I thought this would be similar. I guess I shouldn’t speak too soon.
- Points at features on our faces (nose, mouth, eyes), and then points to her own
- Reads aloud. She’ll babble endlessly while leafing through the pages of her books, occasionally pausing to change positions or get comfortable.
- Got a new toy – the B. Zany Zoo. She loves opening the wooden doors and pushing the colorful beads along on the wire. It’s such a beautiful, well made toy, and I really like that it’s just the right height now where she can stand while playing with it.
- Wags her finger at us
- Helped me celebrate my first Mother’s Day! We went out to brunch and O was so incredibly sweet, smiling and waving at strangers, eating whole wheat toast and potatoes. It’s so crazy seeing her sit in a high chair when this time last year she was in my belly.