Olivia at 20 Months: Week 87
We’re back from our trip to New York and I have to tell you, flying with a 20 month old is WAY different from flying with an 8 month old. We took the red-eye there again and didn’t have the… Continue Reading
We’re back from our trip to New York and I have to tell you, flying with a 20 month old is WAY different from flying with an 8 month old. We took the red-eye there again and didn’t have the… Continue Reading
Well, we are back from our first family vacation, and we’re totally exhausted but very happy. Some of the highlights include: Watching Olivia play with sand (and attempt to take little tastes) and collect rocks A totally sleepless first night, where… Continue Reading
Now that we’re back and mostly recovered from our trip to the East Coast, I wanted to share some tips on traveling with baby! I fully recognize that we’re still novices – the travel portions of this trip were successful… Continue Reading