This week, Olivia:
- Said “No, shoo fly, MY dinner!” to a fly that landed on her plate when she was eating outside
- Saw a rubber duck on TV and said “Mommy and daddy buy you a duckie.”
- Loves to go down the slide on her own and said “Livy do it herself” when I tried to go with her.
- Has fully adjusted to her new school – no more crying at drop-off!
- Is resisting her crib less and is much calmer at bedtime (almost like in the pre-vacation days!). She still wakes up 1-3 times a night, and the odd thing is, she’s no longer into her “sleep friends” – the entourage of 6-7 various loveys and stuffed animals she has accumulated over the past year and a half. She just leaves most of them at the foot of her crib.
- Loves trains (especially Thomas) and helicopters, so she was really excited when we got her this Thomas and Harold Push and Spin Playset
- Went for a ride on the train! She went on the subway a few months ago, but I think she got way more out of this excursion. When I asked her if she wanted to go on the train, she yelled “Yaaaay, mom-mom!” and started clapping. When we got on, she was such a sweetie sitting in her seat, looking out the window, and holding on to Thomas. We got off at Union Station and explored a bit – took a little tour of the Plaza Firehouse and Avila Adobe and walked around Olvera Street in search of some taquitos.