This week, Olivia:
- Went to the beach. She’s been waking up each morning saying, “I go to the beach” so we decided we were long overdue for another trip. O was still pretty scared of the water, but I managed to wade in and dip her toes in as I held her. She mostly enjoyed sitting in a chair under the umbrella, people watching and eating non-stop. At one point, she leaned back in the chair and said, “I like the beach. I’m relaxing.”
- Slept pretty poorly, with a couple of nights where she woke up 2-3 times and I wound up sleeping next to her crib.
- Loves Thomas more than ever, so we got her this wooden train track set
and a few trains. I can totally see this train set thing spiraling out of control. I’m now catching myself thinking about what trains to buy next (Hiro and Gordon) and how cool it would be to have a real Knapford Station
(as opposed to the makeshift Knapford we created out of an old gift bag :/)
- Is getting better about not saying “Mine!” and now says, “Can I have that, please?” (with a gentle reminder from me, of course :))
- Had a fabulous play date with her BFF Olive, complete with pizza, cupcakes, Thomas (what else?), splashing, and a ton of sweet moments! Some of my favorites included the girls standing in a bucket while Olive stuffed cupcake into O’s mouth, the two of them running around the house shrieking, sitting at their little table eating pizza, and trying to blow out a trick candle I (accidentally) put in Olive’s birthday cupcake.
Favorite quotes this week:
- “I need to eat all of my bunny snacks so my bunny snacks don’t fly away”
- “I go up the ladder, down the slide”
- “Mommy’s not grumpy, Diesel’s grumpy.” (The morning after a particularly rough night spent laying on the floor next to her crib, haha!!)

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Oh, those precious girls! I just love watching Livy and Olive grow and change together. I feel so blessed that we have you. (I see you didn’t mention Olivia calling me out on eating part of Olive’s pizza!) 😉