What an exciting week! We got to meet BJ Novak and Mindy Kaling! BJ wrote one of Olivia’s favorite books, The Book with No Pictures, and had a reading at a local bookstore. At one point, when he was asking all of the kids their ages, O stood up and said proudly, “I’m TWO!” She got lots of laughs from the audience (future star in the making?!) and later, when I accosted Mindy (who I’ve loved forever, BTW) so we could take a selfie, she remarked on how cute O is. Ahh, I’m still star struck! BJ was really nice and chatted with O while he signed her book. That was a few days ago, and she’s still talking about how “BJ signed my book,” which she reads every night before bed and finds hilarious.
This week, Olivia:
- Brought a pumpkin outside, put it on her chalkboard table and gave it a piece of chalk so it could draw
- Went to her first Halloween pumpkin-carving party and had so much fun! The house was packed with kids of all ages and O was totally in her element
Favorite quotes this week:
- To a chip: “Hey, what are you doing? You’re a chip? I’m going to eat you!”
- “Hi Mr. Elephant, you want to play?”