This week, Olivia:
- Went to the Hello Kitty exhibit at a local museum and hugged Hello Kitty! It’s so funny how excited she was. A long line had formed to take photos with HK and O lined up and waited patiently and quietly until we got to the front and when it was our turn, ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. We also had lots of fun hanging out with our BFFs, showing O how to use her first pair of chopsticks, and seeing her friend Olive eat sushi for the first time!
- Has great manners! She says “I’m sorry” after doing something she knows she shouldn’t and “Thank you for doing that for me, mama” in the sweetest voice
- Can play pretend on her own for 30-45 minutes. Her imagination is truly amazing. Her favorite game is playing school. She’s always the teacher, and she reads stories to her dolls and I, or gives me instructions in her best authoritative voice.
- Come to think of it, she likes to give directions – “Wipe my tears, mommy.” after she cries; “Mommy, daddy, I’m awake! Come get me!”