This week, Olivia:
- Had SO much fun at her friend Olive’s birthday fiesta! There was a taco truck, great music, and a delicious pink cake! And although she refused to go in the bouncy house (she’s very weary of them for some reason), she ran circles around it for 30 minutes straight!
- Is still obsessed with her princess dresses (Sofia and Elsa) and wants to wear them both at the same time now that she has two.
- Is potty trained! We’re still not brave enough to take her out without a Pull-Up, but she no longer wears them regularly
Favorite quotes this week:
- “This dog is so cute. I love it. Can we buy it?”
- “You missed a page, mommy.” (When I’m reading her a long story and try to skip a page)
- “What are you going to do next, daddy?” (She likes to know the play by play)
- “I’m not a princess, I’m dressed like a girl. Where’s my princess dress?”