Olivia had her 4 month check-up and shots this week and handled them really well – no fever, just a stuffy nose for a few days. Her stats were as follows: 13lb 7oz, 26 3/4in, 17cm. It’s just crazy how quickly she’s growing and developing. At her 2 month appointment, she was crying and fussing; this time she was grabbing the doctor’s arm, smiling, and playing with one of her favorite toys, the Whoozit.
These days, she grabs at toys with two hands, loves putting her toes in her mouth, and has rolled from tummy to back a few times again, but still not consistently. She’s really close though; she’s always pushing up on her arms. She has giggled a few times so far, and each time has completely melted us. Although her nighttime sleep didn’t get better (still multiple wake-ups!), she has been napping for longer periods, and I’m proud to say that we have completely stopped using the swing!
We got her a Bumbo seat (controversial, I know, but it’s being used on a carpeted floor) and she really enjoys being able to view things from a new vantage point.
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