This week, Olivia:
- Claps when we sing to her
- Is repeating everything we say
- Is becoming more social with strangers – she smiles and waves at them. On a side note, most people wave back, but the couple of times they didn’t (they must not have noticed her, because seriously, who ignores a baby?!) my heart was just crushed on O’s behalf even though she didn’t seem to care.
- Can climb up onto the couch (has been climbing down from it for about a month now)
- Likes eating her feet again
- Went on a mini hike at a local park and had fun walking up and down the park bench like a little gymnast
- Started eating the corners of her books and now won’t stop. We really think she’s teething but can’t see any whitecaps yet
- Tried a cherry at the farmer’s market and loved it! I started peeling them and adding them to her plain yogurt in the morning and she is obsessed!
- Slept from 7pm-8:15am one day. I was so worried that she wasn’t feeling well, but she was totally fine when she woke up.
- Can walk while holding an object, and if she drops the object, pick it up and keep walking. And she can walk pretty much the whole length of a room!
- Loves dancing to the music from her Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes toy
- Grabs a chunk of my hair and tickles her face with it!